ACG Sunderland connects with the latest technologies, enabling students to go beyond the classroom and explore the world in a highly interactive and dynamic way.
Technology integrated into learning programmes
We are a bring your own device (BYOD) school and all college students are expected to bring a device that meets a minimum set of standards. Lower College students will often have a tablet or netbook device while students in the Upper College will normally have a laptop style device.
Digital learning is a vital tool in today’s classrooms, helping prepare students for exciting futures in our fast-changing world. Information and Communication Technology is interlaced in many different aspects of learning at ACG Sunderland. The Blackboard learning management system, ETV, Office365 for all students including email accounts and cloud document storage, ipads throughout the primary and interactive projectors in all classrooms.
myACG is an online portal designed to help students and their families stay-up-to date. It can be used to monitor learning progress, keep on top of upcoming assessments, book parent teacher interviews and to access the Blackboard learning management system.
Our community portal is a fast and convenient way to access eLearning resources and student information, such as timetables, attendance, address details, past academic reports and grades. It also enables easy viewing of the latest school communications, events, newsletters and notices. Access to myACG is gained via unique logins and passwords.